Saving Cost and Time with Spring Clamp Terminals
Features of Spring Clamp Terminals
The spring clamp terminal block does not require screws. Easy wiring without a screwdriver is possible thanks to the spring pressure on the conductive part.
Click here examples of saved cost and timeAdvantages of Using Spring Clamp Terminal Type
- Easy wiring
Push-in connections significantly reduce wiring work time.
* Comparison against non-experts (2 years of experience; per survey conducted by the Japan Switchboard & Control System Industries Association)
- Stable connection
- No risk of loosening due to vibration. Consistent connection quality is assured.
- Easy maintenance
- Maintenance can be performed easily as screw-tightening work is not required. Rewiring is also easy with push-in connections.
Rich lineup
Full lineup of spring clamp terminal blocks for MELSEC and MELSERVO products.
Product list
- Junction terminal blocks
For programmable controller
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Model No. of points Connection method FA1-TE2SD40P 40-point [New] Spring clamp (1-wire type), Installation direction:Vertical horizontal FA1-TE2SD32XY 32-point [New] Spring clamp (1-wire type), Installation direction:Vertical horizontal FA1-TE1S32XY Spring clamp (1-wire type), horizontal type FA1-TESV32XY Spring clamp (1-wire type), vertical type FA1-TE2SV20P 20-point [New] Spring clamp (1-wire type), vertical type FA1-TE2SV16XY 16-point [New] Spring clamp (1-wire type), vertical type FA1-TE1SV16XY Spring clamp (1-wire type), vertical type FA1-TE2SV40EX 40-point [New] Common terminal block, spring clamp, vertical type FA1-TESV38COM 38-point Common terminal block, spring clamp, vertical type For servo systems
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Model No. of points Connection method Number of control axes DG2SV2TB 15-point Dedicated for FLS/RLS/DOG signals, spring clamp type For 1-axis DG2SV2TB2 24-point Dedicated for FLS/RLS/DOG signals, spring clamp type For 2-axis DG2SV2TB3 33-point Dedicated for FLS/RLS/DOG signals, spring clamp type For 3-axis DG2BK1TB 15-point Used with servo motors with brakes, spring clamp terminal blocks, sink/source shared type, screw/DIN rail installation For 1-axis DG2BK1TB-D Used with servo motors with brakes, spring clamp terminal blocks, sink/source shared type, for DIN rail installation only DG2SV3TB 26-point For network-based servo amplifier, spring clamp type, sink/source shared type For 1-axis DG2SV1TB 60-point For general-purpose interface servo amplifier, spring clamp type, sink/source shared type For 1-axis
- Cable with spring clamp terminal block
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Model Connected to Specifications Programmable controller side Junction terminal block side Cable length FA1-CB1L10EM1F18 MELSEC iQ-R series MELSEC iQ-R for input/output, 18-pin Spring clamp terminal block MIL20P 1m FA1-CB1L20EM1F18 2m FA1-CB1L30EM1F18 3m FA1-CB1L10EM2F34 MELSEC iQ-R for input/output, 34-pin Spring clamp terminal block MIL20P × 2 1m FA1-CB1L20EM2F34 2m FA1-CB1L30EM2F34 3m FA1-CB3L03SQ10E1F18 MELSEC iQ-R/iQ-F series, remote I/O module Cable with spring clamp terminal block (0.3mm2, 8A, 18-pin) Spring clamp terminal block Discrete cable 1m FA1-CB3L03SQ20E1F18 2m FA1-CB3L03SQ30E1F18 3m FA1-CB3L07SQ10E1F18 Cable with spring clamp terminal block (0.75mm2, 8A, 18-pin) Spring clamp terminal block Discrete cable 1m FA1-CB3L07SQ20E1F18 2m FA1-CB3L07SQ30E1F18 3m FA1-CB3L03SQ10E1F34 Cable with spring clamp terminal block (0.3mm2, 8A, 34-pin) Spring clamp terminal block Discrete cable 1m FA1-CB3L03SQ20E1F34 2m FA1-CB3L03SQ30E1F34 3m FA1-CB3L07SQ10E1F34 Cable with spring clamp terminal block (0.75mm2, 8A, 34-pin) Spring clamp terminal block Discrete cable 1m FA1-CB3L07SQ20E1F34 2m FA1-CB3L07SQ30E1F34 3m FA1-CB3L03SQ10E1F40 Cable with spring clamp terminal block (0.3mm2, 8A, 40-pin) Spring clamp terminal block Discrete cable 1m FA1-CB3L03SQ20E1F40 2m FA1-CB3L03SQ30E1F40 3m FA1-CB3L07SQ10E1F40 Cable with spring clamp terminal block (0.75mm2, 8A, 40-pin) Spring clamp terminal block Discrete cable 1m FA1-CB3L07SQ20E1F40 2m FA1-CB3L07SQ30E1F40 3m FA2-CB1L10EM1F18 MELSEC iQ-F series MELSEC iQ-F for sink input/output, 18-pin Spring clamp terminal block MIL20P 1m FA2-CB1L20EM1F18 2m FA2-CB1L30EM1F18 3m FA2-CB1L10EM1F18E For MELSEC iQ-F series For source input/output, 18-point Spring clamp terminal block MIL20P 1m FA2-CB1L20EM1F18E 2m FA2-CB1L30EM1F18E 3m FA3-CB1L10EM1F18X CC-Link IE TSN For MELSEC remote I/O module, 18-point Spring clamp terminal block MIL20P 1m FA3-CB1L20EM1F18X 2m FA3-CB1L30EM1F18X 3m FA3-CB1L10EM1F18Y MELSEC remote I/O output, 18-pin Spring clamp terminal block MIL20P 1m FA3-CB1L20EM1F18Y 2m FA3-CB1L30EM1F18Y 3m FA3-CB1L10EM2F34X CC-Link IE TSN CC-Link IE Field Basic MELSEC remote I/O input, 34-pin Spring clamp terminal block MIL20P × 2 1m FA3-CB1L20EM2F34X 2m FA3-CB1L30EM2F34X 3m FA3-CB1L10EM2F34Y MELSEC remote I/O input, 34-pin Spring clamp terminal block MIL20P × 2 1m FA3-CB1L20EM2F34Y 2m FA3-CB1L30EM2F34Y 3m
- Digital signal converter (terminal module)
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Model Control method Module Replacement (Shape) Mixing FA1-TH4X2SC20S1E Installation base unit (module selectable type) 4 points, independent Possible (functional module) Possible FA1-TH8X2SC20S1E 8 points, independent Possible (functional module) Possible 1): Only N/O contact and N/C contact modules can be mixed.
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Model Control method Module Replacement (Shape) Mixing FA1-TH4Y2SC20S1E Installation base unit (module selectable type) 4 points, independent (sink) Spring clamp terminal block Possible (slim module) 2) FA1-TH1E4Y2SC20S1E 4 points, independent (source) Possible (slim module) 3) FA1-TH8Y2SC20S1E 8 points, independent (sink) Possible (slim module) 2) FA1-TH1E8Y2SC20S1E 8 points, independent (source) Possible (slim module) 3) FA1-TH16Y2SC20S1E 16 points, independent (sink) Possible (slim module) 2) FA1-TH1E16Y2SC20S1E 16 points, independent (source) Possible (slim module) 3) FA1-TH16Y2RA20S1E N/O contact relay (module pre-mounted type) 16 points, independent (sink) Possible (slim module) 2) FA1-TH1E16Y2RA20S1E 16 points, independent (source) Possible (slim module) 3) 2): Only N/O contact, N/C contact, triac, transistor, and signal pass-through modules can be mixed.
3): Only N/O contact, N/C contact, triac, and transistor modules can be mixed.
Module (slim)
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Model Control method Quantity FA-NYP24WK2 N/O contact relay Quantity: 2 FA-NYP24WK4 Quantity: 4 FA-NYBP24WK2 N/C contact relay Quantity: 2 FA-NYBP24WK4 Quantity: 4 FA-LYCA024VSK4 C/O contact relay Quantity: 4 FA-SN24A01FS2 Triac Quantity: 2 FA-SN24A01FS4 Quantity: 4 FA-SN24D01HZS2 Transistor Quantity: 2 FA-SN24D01HZS4 Quantity: 4 FA-SN00SS4 Signal pass-through (quantity: 4) Quantity: 4 Module (functional)
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Model Control method Quantity FA1-TM1X24RA 24VDC (relay isolation) Quantity: 1 FA1-TM1X24RA-2 Quantity: 2 FA1-TM1X24RA-4 Quantity: 4 FA1-TM1X24D 24VDC (photocoupler isolation) Quantity: 1 FA1-TM1X24D-2 Quantity: 2 FA1-TM1X24D-4 Quantity: 4 FA1-TM1X48D 48VDC (photocoupler isolation) Quantity: 1 FA1-TM1X48D-2 Quantity: 2 FA1-TM1X48D-4 Quantity: 4 FA1-TM1X100D 100VDC (photocoupler isolation) Quantity: 1 FA1-TM1X100D-2 Quantity: 2 FA1-TM1X100D-4 Quantity: 4 FA1-TM1X100A 100VAC (photocoupler isolation) Quantity: 1 FA1-TM1X100A-2 Quantity: 2 FA1-TM1X100A-4 Quantity: 4 FA1-TM1X200A 200VAC (photocoupler isolation) Quantity: 1 FA1-TM1X200A-2 Quantity: 2 FA1-TM1X200A-4 Quantity: 4 FA1-TM1ND4 Dummy (for dust protection) Quantity: 4
- Analog signal converters
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Model Type FA1-AT1B4X1TE 4-channel installation base unit Spring clamp terminal block, module mixing possible FA1-AT1B4X1TB Screw terminal block (M3), module mixing possible [Comingsoon] 8-channel installation base unit Spring clamp terminal block, module mixing possible
[Comingsoon]FA-ATB8XTB Screw terminal block (M3), module mixing possible FA-ATKB8XTB With connector for adapter FA-ATKAA8XM Adapter Voltage to current conversion adapter FA-ATSVM1XV05 Voltage module 0 to 5V FA-ATSVM1XV15 1 to 5V FA-ATSVM1XV1010 -10 to 10V FA-ATSVM1XA420 Current module 4 to 20mA FA-ATSVM1XD Distributor module 4 to 20mA FA-ATSVM1XRJPT RTD module JPt100, -200 to 600°C FA-ATSVM1XRPT Pt100, -200 to 650°C FA-ATSVM1XRPT0010 Pt100, 0 to 100°C FA-ATSVM1XRPT0020 Pt100, 0 to 200°C FA-ATSVM1XTB Thermocouple temperature module Type B thermocouple, +600 to +1700°C FA-ATSVM1XTS Type S thermocouple, 0 to +1600°C FA-ATSVM1XTE Type E thermocouple, -200 to +900°C FA-ATSVM1XTT Type T thermocouple, -200 to +350°C FA-ATSVM1XTR Type R thermocouple, 0 to +1600°C FA-ATSVM1XTK Type K thermocouple, -200 to +1200°C FA-ATSVM1XTK0040 Type K thermocouple, 0 to 400°C FA-ATSVM1XTK0060 Type K thermocouple, 0 to 600°C FA-ATSVM1XTK0080 Type K thermocouple, 0 to 800°C FA-ATSVM1XTJ Type J thermocouple, -40 to +750°C FA-ATSVM1XTN Type N thermocouple, -200 to 1250°C FA-ATFTMXY Pass-through module Pass-through module for non-isolated signals* FA-ATNDM5 Dummy module Dust protection (5 pcs) * The current is converted to voltage.
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Model Type FA1-AT1B4Y1TE 4-channel installation base unit Spring clamp terminal block, module mixing possible FA1-AT1B4Y1TB Screw terminal block (M3), module mixing possible [Comingsoon] 8-channel installation base unit Spring clamp terminal block, module mixing possible[Comingsoon] FA-ATB8YTB Screw terminal block (M3), module mixing possible FA-ATSAM1YV05 Current to voltage module 0 to 5V FA-ATSAM1YV15 1 to 5V FA-ATSAM1YV010 0 to 10V FA-ATSAM1YV1010 -10 to 10V FA-ATSAM1YA020 Current to current module 0 to 20mA FA-ATSAM1YA420 4 to 20mA FA-ATSVM1YV05 Voltage to voltage module 0 to 5V FA-ATSVM1YV15 1 to 5V FA-ATSVM1YV010 0 to 10V FA-ATSVM1YV1010 -10 to 10V FA-ATSVM1YA020 Voltage to current module 0 to 20mA FA-ATSVM1YA420 4 to 20mA FA-ATFTMXY Pass-through module Pass-through module for non-isolated signals* FA-ATNDM5 Dummy module Dust protection (5 pcs)
- Network interface modules
CC-Link IE TSN/Ethernet-compatible network interface modules (MODBUS/TCP-compatible products)
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Model name Type Dedicated cable FA3-TH1M16XC-01C For digital signal converter Input Enclosed FA3-TH1M16Y-01C Output (sink) FA3-TH1M16YE-01C Output (Source) FA3-AT1M8X-01C For analog signal converter Input FA3-AT1M8Y-01C Output FA3-TH1M16XC For digital signal converter Input Cable not included FA3-TH1M16Y Output (sink) FA3-TH1M16YE Output (Source) FA3-AT1M8X For analog signal converter Input FA3-AT1M8Y Output CC-Link IE TSN/Ethernet-compatible network interface module
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Model Type Dedicated cable FA3-TH1T16XC-01C For digital signal converter Input Enclosed FA3-TH1T16Y-01C Output (sink) FA3-TH1T16YE-01C Output (Source) FA3-AT1T8X-01C For analog signal converter Input FA3-AT1T8Y-01C Output FA3-TH1T16XC For digital signal converter Input Cable not included FA3-TH1T16Y Output (sink) FA3-TH1T16YE Output (Source) FA3-AT1T8X For analog signal converter Input FA3-AT1T8Y Output CC-Link-compatible network interface module
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Model Type Dedicated cable FA3-TH1C16XC-01C For digital signal converter Input Enclosed FA3-TH1C16Y-01C Output (sink) FA3-TH1C16YE-01C Output (Source) FA3-AT1C8X-01C For analog signal converter Input FA3-AT1C8Y-01C Output FA3-TH1C16XC For digital signal converter Input Cable not included FA3-TH1C16Y Output (sink) FA3-TH1C16YE Output (Source) FA3-AT1C8X For analog signal converter Input FA3-AT1C8Y Output
Example application: Reducing screw tightening work as well as saving wiring, cost, and time for control panels and devices
Wiring work to the spring clamp terminals is reduced by 99% via improvements to two installation steps.
Wiring is easy with push-in connections, but each wire is small making wiring and terminal processing difficult.
We can eliminate this hassle.
Wiring work can also be greatly reduced by combining the spring clamp junction terminal block and the digital signal converter (terminal module).
Replacing the spring clamp for the connector module saves cost, time, and space as well as ensures consistent connections.
I want to use spring clamp terminals in all control panels.
Connector modules can be installed separately and replaced with spring clamps without the need for other modules.
Spring clamp terminals do not require you to make your own connector cables, which eliminates the need for soldering.
Moving installation from inside the control panel to inside the device
Installation in the device helps reduce the size of the control panel and reduce wiring work in the panel.
Wiring from the control panel to the device can be easily performed using network cable, and maintenance can be improved by installing these cables, for example, close to the sensors in the device.
This network cable makes wiring easy when expanding.
Easy to wire stroke limit and proximity dog signals
A dedicated terminal block can reduce the number of wires needed and significantly reduce the installation space.
Wiring can also be reduced by using spring clamp terminals.
Conversion to spring clamp terminals on the connector module saves cost and time and ensures consistent connections.
Replacing with spring clamp terminals means you do not need to make your own connector cables, which eliminates the need for soldering.
The dedicated tools enable anyone to easily modify cables, which reduces labor to perform this work and improves connection stability without the need for specific skills.
Using spring clamp terminals means you do not need to make your own connector cables, which makes it easy to add signals.
Reduced wiring, cost and time, and space needed to build brake circuits for servo motors with a brake.
Our recommended brake sequence circuit is built in so that brake circuits for servo motors with brakes can be built in less space with reduced wiring, cost, and time.
Efficient system building thanks to a modular design in 1-channel increments and selectable number of points [Digital Signaling]
With a single digital signal converter (terminal module), you can convert different voltage loads into a 24VDC load, which optimizes the number of connected programmable controller modules and reduces the cost of spare modules.
You can eliminate the inefficiency of having unused channels by building systems with modules in 1-channel increments and selecting an installation base unit by number of channels.
Using spring clamp terminal blocks and dedicated cables reduces wiring work by 99%.
Using network interface modules enables installation inside each system instead of inside the control panel.
View product information Digital Signal Converters (Terminal Modules) Overview Page-
Efficient system building thanks to a modular design in 1-channel increments and selectable number of points [Analog Signaling]
Since modules can be individually specified, systems can be configured with a minimum number of points.
Installing dedicated cables reduces work.
This reduces the number of programmable controller modules, which also reduces cost of spare modules.
Using spring clamp terminal blocks and dedicated cables reduces wiring work by 99%.
Using network interface modules enables installation inside each system instead of inside the control panel.
Installing in close proximity to sensors facilitates optimization of the control panel and reduces maintenance work.
Combining network interface modules with analog signal converters enables installation of devices near sensors and solenoid valves at each process. This reduces wiring work and makes maintenance easier.
Sensor information can also be collected and signals are converted to control solenoid valve fluid.
Applicable crimping tool
Use the crimping tools recommended for use with the ferrule terminals in your system.
WAGO Company of Japan, Ltd
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Applicable wire size Recommended ferrule terminal Crimping tool 0.08 to 0.34mm2/28 to 22AWG 216-302 206-220 0.34mm2/24 and 22AWG 216-302 206-204
206-12040.5mm2/22 and 20AWG 216-201 0.75mm2/20 and 18AWG 216-202 PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG
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Applicable wire size Recommended ferrule terminal Crimping tool 0.25mm2/24AWG*1 AI 0,25-8 YE*1 CRIMPFOX 6 0.34mm2/22AWG AI 0,34-8 TQ 0.5mm2/20AWG AI 0,5-8 WH 0.75mm2/18AWG AI 0,75-8 GY *1: Can be used only with the digital signal converter (terminal module) "FA1-TH**20S1E".
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Applicable wire size Recommended ferrule terminal Crimping tool 0.3 to 0.75mm2*2 BT0.75-11*2 NH69 *2: This ferrule can be used only for the junction terminal blocks for servo motors with brakes, DG2BK1TB and DG2BK1TB-D.
Related materials
Junction terminal blocks
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Digital signal converter (terminal module)
Analog signal converters
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Network interface modules
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